22 October 2020: Genifuel was an exhibitor at the Climate Tech Marketplace, organized by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) in California. This Marketplace was exclusively for companies contributing to improved air quality in the San Fancisco Bay Area and was conducted entirely online. BAAQMD can be seen here. 5 October 2020: Genifuel joined more than 300 water and wastewater exhibitors at the 2020 WEFTEC annual conference. This year's conference was entirely online as a virtual conference called WEFTEC Connect. Next year's conference is planned to be in-person in Chicago. 29 July 2020: Progress is continuing on engineering and fabrication for Metro Vancouver's demonstration plant using Genifuel's Hydrothermal Processing technology. A video describing the plant can be viewed here. 9 July 2020: Today the US Department of Energy announced the winners in its prize competition for advanced resource recovery from Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP). A team led by Genifuel, together with Brown and Caldwell, proposed Genifuel's hydrothermal processing to convert wastewater solids into renewable oil and natural gas. The prize announcement is here, and information about Brown and Caldwell is here. The leaders of the team are James Oyler from Genifuel and John Willis from BandC. 6 June 2018: Genifuel was a featured technology presenter at this year's BlueTech Forum 2018. The BlueTech Forum is synonymous with water innovation. This year's topic was "Managing Water Risk in the Circular Economy". The Forum 2018 was held June 6-7 at the Vancouver Convention Center. See more here. 14-15 November 2017: Each year CWEA (California Water Environment Association) and CASA (California Association of Sanitation Agencies) sponsor joint conferences for Innovative Technology in the water and wastewater industry. This year's topic was "Biosolids and Renewable Energy Innovation", with sessions in Berkeley, CA and the University of California at Irvine. Genifuel presented hydrothermal processing technology in wastewater treatment. See the Genifuel presentation here. 8 November 2017: Isle Utilities sponsors a well-known series of technology presentations in the water and wastewater industry as a product of its Technology Advisory Group. Genifuel was one of the featured international technologies this year, with representatives of utilities and industrial partners from a number of European countries meeting in London, UK. Learn more about Isle Utilities here. 1 October 2017: Genifuel has been selected by WEFTEC, the premier organization for the wastewater industry, to exhibit in its Innovation Pavilion. The annual conference, held this year in Chicago, is attended by more than 25,000 people. Genifuel will be in Pavilion 7739K. 25 April 2017: Genifuel and Merrick & Company were Honor Prize winners at the Annual Awards of the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) in Washington DC. The award was for the Hydrothermal Processing Pilot System to process algae into renewable fuels. The leadership of the ACEC, Merrick, and Genifuel are pictured here. 28 December 2016: Genifuel Corporation was part of the winning consortium led by the Water Environment & Reuse Foundation (WE&RF) to design a demonstration plant to convert wastewater solids into renewable crude oil and natural gas. The award was announced by the US Department of Energy (DOE) and consists of a design phase, followed by a construction phase upon successful completion of the design. The construction phase can include up to $15 million from DOE. The full list of consortium partners includes WE&RF, Genifuel Corporation, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District, Southern California Gas Company, Merrick & Company, Tesoro Corporation, MicroBio Engineering, MetroVancouver, and Brown and Caldwell. The DOE announcement is here. 21 November 2016: The Utah Public Radio chapter of NPR published an article written by Rhesa Ledbetter describing how the Genifuel process produces biofuels from waste materials. A copy of the article is here. 7 November 2016: Merrick & Company and Genifuel Corporation won the Grand Conceptor Award at the 2017 annual American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) awards banquet for Colorado. The winning project was the Genifuel Hydrothermal Processing Pilot System, as described on the award poster. 2 November 2016: The US Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) issued a press release today describing waste-to-energy technology. The technology is currently being planned for installation at Metro Vancouver to process wastewater sludge. The release is here. 27 September 2016: Genifuel hydrothermal processing technology was featured at the annual WEFTEC Conference. The Water Environment Federation’s Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference is the largest water industry event in North America. The presentation took place in the BlueTech Innovation Pavilion which features breakthrough new technologies for the water and wastewater industries. A copy of the WEFTEC presentation is here. 20 April 2016: The Water Environment Federation (WEF) and the Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) conducted a webcast describing the successful testing and 200-page report on processing wastewater solids using Genifuel Hydrothermal Processing. The webcast materials can be seen at the WEF website, or a downloadable copy is here. The full report is available at the WERF report website. 13 November 2015: Genifuel Corporation and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) were selected as joint winners of a 2015 R&D 100 Award for Hydrothermal Processing technology. The awards, often called "The Oscars of Innovation", are made annually to the 100 most significant innovations of the year. The process starts with thousands of submissions, which are narrowed to 300 finalists, and finally to the 100 awardees. In order to be eligible, the new technology or process must have advanced to working, marketable condition and be available for purchase during the year of award--no concepts or prototypes are allowed. The award was accepted by James Oyler, President of Genifuel, and Douglas Elliott, Laboratory Fellow of PNNL. See award photo. See R&D 100 Video. 22 October 2015: Genifuel's Hydrothermal Processing was the cover feature in the Fall 2015 issue of Watermark Magazine, a wastewater industry publication. The article, titled "The Ultimate Carbon Conversion Unit for Our Future Water Resource Recovery Facilities", was co-authored by Paul Kadota from Metro Vancouver, and James Oyler from Genifuel Corporation. Read the article here, or link to Watermark Magazine here. 9 July 2015: The US Department of Energy announced a $9 million grant to develop valuable bioproducts and biofuels from algae. The award was made to a consortium consisting of Colorado School of Mines, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Reliance Industries, Genifuel and six others. The objective is to enhance the efficiency of producing both fuels and high-value co-products from algae. See the DOE announcement here. 8 April 2015: The California Energy Commission (CEC) signed a contract with a consortium including Genifuel Corporation. This contract was for an award under PON 14-303, with the title “Advancing Cleaner, Less Costly, More Reliable Distributed Generation to Enable Customer Solutions and Zero-Net Energy Communities”. Southern California Gas Company (SCG) is the awardee, with Genifuel Corporation and Hyperlight Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), and Energy Solutions as team members. Genifuel will build a small Hydrothermal Processing (HTP) System to process dairy manure and produce fuels including Renewable Natural Gas (RNG). This RNG may be inserted into SCG pipelines for use in generating electricity from renewable fuels. Heat energy for the HTP process will be produced by Hyperlight’s concentrated solar thermal technology. 22 February 2015: Genifuel's hydrothermal processing system was featured as the Top Story in Biofuels Digest. The report draws on two recent announcements, including the Federal Laboratory Consortium Award (see news item dated 30 January 2015 below) and the final report of the National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts (NAABB) which recently closed its four-year program. Read the Biofuels Digest report here. The NAABB reports can be viewed at the US Department of Energy site here. 1 February 2015: The Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) noted in its report on the FLC Award (see news item dated 30 January 2015 below) that hydrothermal processing also applies to wastewater processing. Through its LIFT program, WERF is currently leading a project titled “Genifuel Hydrothermal Processing Bench Scale Technology Evaluation” which will validate the amount of oil and gas produced by processing wastewater sludge using this innovative technology. The project will also include a basic techno-economic analysis of this biosolids to energy technology. View the WERF report here. 30 January 2015: Genifuel Corporation and The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) were jointly selected as winners of the 2014 Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) Award. The award recognizes outstanding achievement in the transfer of technology from Federal laboratories to commercialization. See the announcement here. 5 November 2014: Genifuel president James Oyler participated in a workshop sponsored by the US Department of Energy. The Waste-to-Energy (WTE) Workshop was held by the Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) in Arlington,VA. The workshop gathered stakeholders from industry, academia, national laboratories, and government to pave the way for large-scale production of cost-competitive, renewable fuels from wet waste biomass resources. 1 October 2014: Genifuel Corporation participated in a conference sponsored by Alberta Innovates. This is a unique organization in the Province of Alberta to work with both government and industry to develop innovative solutions to energy and environmental challenges. Genifuel's well-received presentation was the use of hydrothermal processing to extract liquid and gas fuels for zero-net-carbon energy production. A copy of the Genifuel presentation is here. 30 July 2014: James Oyler, President of Genifuel Corporation, presented Hydrothermal Processing (HTP) at the Biomass 2014 Conference. The conference was sponsored by the Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) of the US Department of Energy. The presentation showed how HTP could contribute as much as 25% of liquid fuel supply. See the presentation here. 24 July 2014: The National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts (NAABB) recently published its final report after more than three years of work. The NAABB was a consortium of 39 institutions, including government agencies, industrial companies, universities, and non-profit institutions. The work was funded jointly with nearly $70 million by the US Department of Energy and the consortium members. The NAABB reports showed that hydrothermal processing for algae biofuels was the single most important result of the research. The Summary Report and full details of the research can be viewed at the US Department of Energy site here. 12 January 2014: The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) recently issued a Press Release describing the algae-to-oil process, entitled "Million Year Process Takes Minutes in the Lab". The technology has been jointly developed and exclusively licensed by Genifuel Corporation. The news summary here lists some of the many industry and general publications, as well as television and internet video coverage, that resulted. 27 September 2012: Genifuel president James Oyler presented a paper at the 6th Annual Algae Biomass Summit in Denver, Colorado. The presentation was entitled “Hydrothermal Processing: Efficient Production of High-Quality Fuels from Algae”, and was part of an engineering review of fuel conversion systems using algae as a feedstock. See a copy of the presentation here. 11 June 2012: Genifuel and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory jointly presented a paper on hydrothermal processing of algae to the second annual Elsevier conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels & Bioproducts Conference. This paper included both Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL) and Catalytic Hydrothermal Gasification (CHG), showing the application and advantages of these processes compared to other less efficient methods of producing fuels from algae. 29 November 2011: James Oyler participated in the US Department of Energy's Harmonization Workshop for biofuel models. The meeting focused on the wide range of models being developed within DOE to represent various aspects of biofuels production and life cycle analysis (LCA). The intent of the meeting was to ensure that differences in assumptions and data across various models were understood. 15 November 2011: Genifuel president James Oyler reviewed the company's contribution to the National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts (NAABB) at the consortium's annual meeting. The topic was progress in Hydrothermal Processing for algae biomass. 24 October 2011: Genifuel Corporation and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory jointly presented a poster on gasification of wet algae biomass at the fifth annual Algae Biomass Summit in Minneapolis. See the poster here. 19 September 2011: Genifuel president James Oyler presents at the first Merrick Bioprocessing Conference held in Englewood, CO. The conference is organized by Merrick & Company, which has been consistently ranked by Engineering News Record Magazine (ENR) as one of the top engineering and design firms in the United States. 18 July 2011: Genifuel Corporation and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory jointly presented a poster on Catalytic Hydrothermal Gasification at the First International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels, and Bioproducts, organized by Elsevier. See the conference description, and view the poster here. 15 March 2011: Genifuel Corporation is awarded a new patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office, entitled "Two-Stage Process for Producing Oil from Microalgae". Read the Full Text of the Patent here. 14 March 2011: PNNL publishes update on successful relationship between PNNL and Genifuel, titled "Impactful Interaction". 12 January 2011: Genifuel president James Oyler presents at the Pacific West Biomass Conference in Seattle, WA. The Genifuel presentation explores worldwide potential for Catalytic Hydrothermal Gasification using a variety of widely available wet waste feedstocks. See Genifuel presentation. 30 September 2010: Genifuel participates at US Department of Energy program review for the NAABB consortium. Genifuel is responsible for a pilot commercial CHG unit to gasify algal biomass residue after extraction of liquid fuels and byproducts. 28 September 2010: Genifuel presents Catalytic Hydrothermal Gasification at the Fourth Annual Algal Biomass Summit in Phoenix, AZ. Genifuel is part of an expert panel on "Conversion of Algal Biomass and Lipids into Practical Fuels". See Genifuel presentation. 17 February 2010: Genifuel presents at Colorado State University at lecture organized by Dr. Bryan Willson, Director of the Engines and Energy Conversion Laboratory. 26 January 2010: Genifuel presents at the National Defense Industrial Association's Marine Corps Expeditionary Power and Energy Symposium in New Orleans. 13 January 2010: Genifuel partner PNNL is co-lead on two biofuels consortia recently announced by US Department of Energy. (Also see following news item). 13 January 2010: US Department of Energy announces major grant to the National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts (NAABB), with Genifuel as a consortium member. See official announcement here. For more information, see the NAABB website. 11 January 2010: Genifuel presents at the Pacific West Biomass Conference in Sacramento. See Agenda here. 11 November 2009: Genifuel presents at the BIO Pacific Rim Summit on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy in Honolulu. See the Genifuel PacRim Presentation. 9 October 2009: Genifuel presents at Algae Biomass Summit 2009 in San Diego. See Agenda here. See the Genifuel ABO Presentation. July 2009: Article in Biomass Magazine about Genifuel and the catalytic gasifier. May 2009 Issue: Biomass Magazine report on Genifuel's announcement. 20 May 2009: Article in Chemical Processing Magazine describing the Genifuel process.
6 May 2009:
Press Release announcing license
agreement between Genifuel and Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory.
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